Many thanks to these generous Supporters of PMP Suncoast.

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Join these very special individuals, foundations, grantors and businesses who believe in the power of music!


Premier Supporters

                              in partnership with

The Daniel E. Offutt, III Charitable Trust

Larry Greenspon

Doug and Gay Lane Charitable Foundation

Paul and Holly Miller, Daniell Family Foundation


Bernard Friedland in Memory of Shirley Friedland

Penelope Kingman

Ernest R. Kretzmer

Lori and David Liner

Judith Schwartzbaum

Herald-Tribune Local IQ


Kris and Jan Loeber

Cornelia and Richard Matson


Jeffrey Bain

Fran and Jack Braverman

Marge and Leon Ellin

Elaine and Ted Gast

Laurin and Nelson Goldner

Scott and Cheryl Gordon

Ashley and Tim Gruters

Sharon and Arnold Jochums

Fran Lambert and Dr. Seymour Ziegelman

Ann Leventhal and Jon Newman

Kris and Jan Loeber

Martin H. Marcus

Nadia Ritter

Nancy Wolk and Michael Ritter

Audrey Robbins and Harry Leopold

Schumaker logo



Karen Attaway and Martin Wolfertz

in memory of Katie Devyatkin

Rosann and Ian Black

Myrna Blume

Kay and Murray Bring

Lynn and Randon Carvel

Deborah E. Cohen and Edward Mikus

Andy E Frank

Suzan and Barry Friedman

Barbara J Greenberg and Allan Riga

Werner Gundersheimer

in honor of Professor Amy Reid, New College 

Marty Hauselman

Kathryn Horowitz

Sherry and Tom Koski

Peter Kretzmer

Ellen and Henry Mason

Hannah and Frank Neubauer

Pat and Terry Oleson

Eileen Rosenzweig

Barbara and Jonathan L. Ryder

Mac and Bob Spitzer

Hadassah Strobel

Josh & Midge Stulberg

Lesley Svenson

in memory of Joyce Rosenthal 

Joyce and Robert Weiss




Barbara and Donald Bernstein

Judith Barzilay

in memory of Hilda and Arthur Morgenstern 

Barbara Brizdle

in honor of Fran Lambert  

Walter C Frank

Roz Goldberg

Debra Jacobs

in honor of Judith Schwartzbaum 

Susan L. Robinson

Toby and Noel Siegel

Barbara Staton

The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation


Edie and David Chaifetz

Janine Cohen

Millie and Don Cole

Lew Davies

Susie Erhart

Janette and Jack Gatesy

Susan and Stanley Gordon

Barbara Jacoby

Sandra Katz

Irene Kauffman

Leonard and Merle Nelson

Kerstin Nicholson

Bertha Person

Barbara and Michael Pollack

Marcia and Paul Rosenberg

Carole and John Segal

Dehart Systems

Alba and Robert Tutnauer


Miriam and Ramon Alba

Jane Albaum

Susan and Michael Albert

Dan and Sybille Anbar

Percy Angelo

Chris and John Behnke

Margery and Neil Blacklow

Laurel Bobrowich

in honor of Judy Schwartzbaum

Penelope Bodry-Sanders and Mack Goode

Arie and Nancy Bortinger

Helene Brown

Cecily Carel

Jeffrey Cohen 

Steven Cole

Dana and Elliott Corn

Robert Crandall

Laurie and Mark Criden

in honor of Mike Ritter 

Joseph Diachun

Melva Eidelberg

Richard and Marcia Eisenberg

Amy Devorsetz Eliezer

Beverly and Theodore Ferguson

Millie Finkel

D. Franklin

Michael Freed

Martin Fried and Nora Luna Righter 

Eija and Alex Friedlander

Robert Fulghum

Judy Gelman

Jane Goldner

Michael Goldstein

Marjorie and Bruce Goldstein


Penelope Bodry-Sanders and Mack Goode

Douglas Goodman

in memory of June K. Goodman

Alida Gorin

in memory of Allen Gorin

Barbara Grossman

Janice and Robert Grossman

Haines Family Foundation 

Ellen and Barry Halpern

Gail Harris

Karl Henderson

Terry Hynes

Sue A. Jacobson

Barbara Jacoby

in memory of Joyce Rosenthal  

Eileen and Robert Koopmann

Sue Ellen Korach

Eileen Kozloff

Les Kreisler

Elyse Kuhn and Burt Benjamin

William Lautenberger and Sharon Schanzer 

Arlene Levy and Ralph Liebstein

Judy and Carl Levy

in memory of Eric Levy 

Charles Lyman

Nancy Martin Wagner

Stuart Matlins

Marcia McLaughlin

Diane and Bob McConnell

Toni Meltzer

Fran and Charlie Mericle

Peggy Miller

Sharon Miller

in memory of Sumner Alpert 




Martin and Ilene Millman

Marcia Halpern and
Norman Monhait

Lisa Naiburg and Dan Kisch

Liela Nelson

Kerstin Nicholson

Deb Olken

Lynne Lockie and John Owen

Diana Paver

Betty Perlmutter

in memory of Arnold Perlmutter 

PMP Suncoast Board

in memory of Benjamin Handelman

in honor of Cliff Roles

Belle and Theodore Probst

Joan Rachlin

Shirley M Richardson

Barbara Ritzen

in memory of Bill Ritzen

Terry and John Rixse

John Roman

Esther Rose

in memory of Rabbi Herbert H. Rose  

Diane Rose-Solomon

Robert Rosenbluth

Barry and Jane Ross

in honor of Itzhak Perlman 

Terry and Sam Roth

Paula and Alan Rothman

Nancy Roucher

Ricki and Brent Rubin

Diane Samuels

Carol and Erwin Segal

Donald Serot

Etta Siegel

Sorin Siegler

Adrienne Silverstein

Women of Sinai

Marie Smith


Paula Smith

in memory of Mary Cay Hahn

Jerry Soble

Laird Spaulding

Sue and Marty Spector

Rolland and Jeanne Standish

Joan and Jim Stewart

Naomi and Jay Stonehill

Sharon Strassfeld

Sheryl Sukenic and Mark Greenberg

Elaine Tobler

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Voss

Margaret and Herb Walker

Ann C. Weingartner

Rabbi Edgar and Yvonne Weinsberg

in honor of Patti Bourke

Cantor Roger Weisberg

in memory of Nancy Birnbaum Tumarkin 

Joan and Jerrold Wexler

Tom Zahn

Robert Zavos


Sherry Ames

Judy Ebright

in honor of Elaine Gast

Ron Ellin

Carole Fetterman

Faith Foss

Alice Golub

Susan Grossman

Joyce and Alan Hersh

Louise and Stan Issokson

Eileen Kosloff

Michael Krasnow

David L. Morgen

in memory of Moyra R. Morgen 

Leonard and Merle Nelson

Sally Peterson

Judy Polivy

Winifred Schulman

Mac and Bob Spitzer

in memory of Joyce Rosenthal